Renee sat at her desk behind
her laptop and opened her personal journal she has been keeping.
Upon opening it the program came up asking if she wanted to make a
new entry or open a previous entry.
Renee opens the last entry and looked at the date and what she had
written. It was the night
before she had left for Long Island.
The last entry was over 3 weeks ago.
Renee shook her head and she began to type:
I have been neglecting
entering what has happened over the last three weeks because I am not quite
sure what has happened to me or with the case that I was just on.
It all seemed like another just another odd case that had no
explanation but some how was tied into The Ares Cult case that Lucy and I
had worked on months earlier. I
felt as we were leaving for Long Island that we would never see and end to
the Ares Cult and it would be an ongoing nightmare.
As the events unfolded and
all hell broke loose it came down to friendship and loyalty that saved us
all. I did not see it myself
since I was tossed aside like a rag doll and was unconscious.
I was told it was a three-way struggle and what ever was controlling
Erica Burstyn almost dropped a large screen TV on Christy Carlton and
Hudson. Some how Jenna Jenkins
was able to stop Erica. The
next thing I recall as I came to was feeling the intense heat and the
blinding light that last for several seconds.
That’s when everything
suddenly changed for me. I saw
Lucy sitting over me looking concerned and she looked so beautiful.
The only thing going through my mind was how do those lips taste.
I did not care who was there or what anyone thought I wanted those
lips to touch mine so I could taste them.
I took a big leap and asked for a kiss.
I saw the hesitation at first in Lucy's eye then it melt away and I
was totally lost in her eyes as our lips met.
I lost a part of myself that
day but at the same time I found a whole new side of me that I never knew
existed. I will continue to
explore my newfound self-cause I think I love Lucy who is helping me along
the way.
Renee stopped typing and
closed the program and turned off her laptop.
Lucy walked in with two glasses of wine.
"Am I interrupting anything?" Lucy asked as she came closer to Renee.
"You are never interrupting
anything," Renee answered as she stood up and moved towards Lucy.
Lucy handed her a glass.
Renee looked up into Lucy's eyes and Lucy looked back into Renee's.
They seemed to loose themselves in the gazes when both smiled.
In the basement Erica, Jenna,
Christy and Vic were sitting around drinking a few beers and eating pizza.
They had finished practicing and were taking a break from playing.
"You know we really can't use
the name Jace anymore," Erica said as she looked around at everyone.
"Yeah I know we aren't Jace
without Ginger," Christy agreed.
"Well then what do we call
ourselves then?" asked Jenna as she looked at Erica and Christy.
"Well it seems we have a new
bass player so maybe he has an idea," Erica responded as all three of them
looked at Vic. Unfortunately
Vic was stuffing his face with a slice of pizza and wasn't paying attention
to what was being said.
"Well Vic you have any
ideas?" asked Christy as she watched Vic take another bite.
"Huh, you talking to me?" Vic
managed as he quickly swallowed what was in his mouth.
"Yeah, do you have any ideas
for the name of the band?" asked Erica.
Vic took a large gulp of his
beer and sat back as if he was going into deep thought.
His friends new he was just play trying to look like he was actually
thinking. "Well I think since
there are only four of us why not Penalty Kill," Vic said in a serious tone.
"Are you nuts?
Why don't we just call ourselves Buck Naked then," Christy retorted
sarcastically as she looked over at Vic.
"Whoa, I think some one
hasn't gotten a phone call today," Vic replied as he held his hands up.
Erica and Jenna laughed until Christy shot a look at them then they
quieted up real quick. "Okay, I
was only joking about Penalty Kill anyway so calm down," Vic said with a
smile, as Christy seemed to calm down.
"Since Ginger is no longer a part of the band but a huge reason why
we are all still here why not name the band something she wanted it to be
called?" Vic said as he looked at his friends.
"Okay, that sounds good but
does anyone remember what Ginger wanted as a name?" asked Jenna.
"Don't look at me I wasn't
there for the naming of the band," Vic said as he picked up his slice and
began to eat again.
Jenna Erica and Christy
looked at each other trying to remember what Ginger's suggestion for the
band name was. Like a light
bulb turning on Christy's face seemed to brighten.
"She wanted the name to be Solan," Christy smiled and Jenna and Erica
"Then Solan it is then,"
Erica said with a huge smile on her face as she grabbed Jenna and Christy in
a hug.
Vic managed to avoid the
group hug as he was finishing his beer.
He then saw the devilish look in Erica's eye and fear came across
Vic's face. Erica leapt over
the table that the pizza was on and landed on top of Vic.
Vic managed to get his arms up to cushion the blow, as he was
helpless to prevent Erica from smothering him.
Jenna and Christy leapt on top of Erica and began tickling Vic.
Everything seemed to be back to normal.